by Reeya Banerjee & James Rubino
#coronamusic is an ongoing music project in collaboration with James Rubino during the COVID-19 pandemic. the project began during the initial coronavirus lockdown in New York as an experiment in creativity during a time of enforced stasis and has continued as a documentation of life during this unprecedented time in history. #coronamusic is a work in progress; please check back to see new songs as they are released!
if you like what you hear and would like to purchase any of these songs or the full album, please visit https://rebelsongdog.com/album/coronamusic
Reeya Banerjee & James Rubino
Reeya Banerjee & James Rubino
Reeya Banerjee & James Rubino
Reeya Banerjee & James Rubino
Reeya Banerjee & James Rubino featuring Cara Wanamaker
Reeya Banerjee & James Rubino
Reeya Banerjee & James Rubino
Reeya Banerjee & James Rubino